Here are some photos of the process:
It starts with cutting the willow branches from the tree. And managing not to fall into the pond!
Greg helps haul the branches back up to the house.
After clipping and stripping any useful vines, then identifying any branches that can be formed into handles or rims and shaping those, the willow is left to dry. After a few days of drying, I start a basic frame with a rim and either a handle or primary ribs. Next those get lashed into place with a soaked vine, or weaver. Then additional ribs are added in. The ribs are made from thicker stems of the willow, which have to be cut to length, have the ends whittled a bit, and then pushed into the frame of the basket. You continually add ribs throughout the weaving process.
Willow baskets are much more "artsy" and rustic-looking than baskets made with bought, pre-cut reed. Pre-cut reed can be forced into whatever shape you want it to take, but willow has a mind of its own. You really have to work with the shape it wants to take. The end result is always a bit of a surpeise! They may not be as "pretty" as the baskets made with bought reed, but they certainly have a charm of their own.
This was the basket I finished while at the festival, and next to it is the one I started "building". I had a few people stop to watch while I was weaving, but I actually had a lot more people stop and ask questions when I had finished that one and started "building" the next one. I thought that was very interesting. Next year, I will plan to do more building than weaving for my demonstrations!
And guess what! I got my picture in the local paper!
wow i love the baskets!!